
Substances That Can Make Your Skin Soft and Tender

We all know that human body consists of various kinds of substance, such as protein, lipid, water, etc. These substances jointly keep you healthy and beautiful. This article will introduce to you several kinds of substances that do good to your skin.
Protein is not only an indispensable part in body tissues but also the chief constituent of cells. It is also considered as the origin of life. It can help promote the growth of the body and provide energy to supplement the consumption of metabolism and maintain the osmotic pressure of capillary vessels. If protein is in short supply, the growth and development of a person will slow down. And the skin will become pale, dry and lackluster. In addition, it is likely to cause nutritional edema.
Lipid consists of fat, lipids and derivatives. Fat can provide the body with energy and necessary fatty acid, which can promote the absorption of fat soluble vitamin and make the skin elastic. If lipid is in short supply, people will be vulnerable to avitaminosis which may make the skin lose elasticity.
Sugar and starch are under the category of saccharides, which is also called carbohydrate. Human skin contains 50% to 70% of sugar. Its function is to provide enough energy for human body. These energy can help to burn fat and improve the synthesis of protein inside human body. Lack of saccharides is likely to cause growth retardation and make people feel tired easily.

