
Excessive harm women lose weight

A lot of beauty to beautiful to keep thin, resulting in thin addiction, to know a good body does not mean Shouguruchai, excessive weight loss for women's health is a major threat, today we introduce Xiaobian too thin to be What are the hazards. Why envy those skinny, skinny with the view seen how horrible! First, medical experts point out that infertility, women's body fat percentage at least 17%, in order to maintain normal menstrual cycle and levels of sexual desire, and this is their future, a healthy pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding a minimum of fat standards. Because fat tissue can provide the adrenal cortex processing of raw materials into estrogen, is manufactured outside the body than ovarian estrogen an important place. Too little body fat, estrogen synthesis and its concentration in the blood level will be affected, resulting in estrogen levels in the Buzu state, and this level of female fertility is the key criteria. Second, osteoporosis, recent U.S. survey of 3683 women found that: thin and the incidence of hip fractures in women weight than the standard 1 times higher than women. This is because people are too thin, insufficient levels of estrogen, affect calcium and bone, unable to maintain normal bone density, therefore prone to osteoporosis and fracture. Third, gallstones our bile is secreted by the liver, which contains cholesterol, bile salts, calcium, lecithin, etc., they have maintained a certain proportion. Too thin and the general lack of calorie intake, so the deposition of fat tissue in the body to accelerate consumption and cholesterol also will move, resulting in an increase in the content of bile, bile thus become sticky, precipitation and precipitate the formation of crystalline stones . Fourth, human hair, hair loss is a major component of fish known as prion protein and zinc, iron, copper and other trace elements. The body through thin people, fat and protein were in short supply, so frequent hair loss, hair colors gradually lose their luster. V. anemia who are too thin widespread problem of unbalanced nutritional intake, iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 and other substances on their own blood to inadequate intake; as eat less, basal metabolic rate is lower than the common people, so slow gastrointestinal movement , gastric acid secretion of less absorption of nutrients. These are the main cause of anemia. In addition, malnutrition reduces the body immunity is also prone to secondary anemia. ssnn.net lose weight six, gastroptosis Do not envy you eat on the side that is always a full, a few mouthfuls of rice, lunch will be able to cope with female colleagues, and only she understood, her stomach experiencing every day how much torture: loss of appetite, and always feel bloated, pain. If you do not kill people to do a gastroscopy, and that diagnosis may be: gastroptosis. Yes, when the body is too thin, the body of the abdominal wall relaxation, weak abdominal muscles, resulting in suspension, fixed position of the stomach muscles and ligaments relax weakness, abdominal pressure decreased, so the physical location of the lower stomach, decreased gastric motility, thus cause gastroptosis. VII, memory loss from brain, the main driver of the work of fat,Christian Louboutin Pumps it can stimulate the brain, and speed up the brain's ability to process information, increased short-term and long-term memory. Thin intake and body fat storage is insufficient, the body nutritional deficiencies, nutritional deficiencies such serious damage to brain cells, will directly affect the memory, so we become more and more forgetful. VIII, uterine prolapse is not a sufficient amount of fat in the protection of the uterus easily drop from the normal location along the vagina, cervix down, or even emerge in the vagina mouth to form we are talking about the mere mention of uterine prolapse, may lead to serious cervix infection, even cervicitis. September, hematuria our kidneys by a layer of dense connective tissue wrapped. People who are too thin, lack of body fat content,

